当前 :首页 > 新闻中心 > 浙大AIF-CIMF研究员胡文彬等研究成果在国际SCI期刊发布
发布日期 :2019-01-18

近日,浙江大学互联网金融研究院(浙大AIF)数学与互联网金融研究中心(CIMF)研究员胡文彬等在SCI期刊《Journal of the Operational Research Society》发表了《Joint modeling: an application in behavioural scoring》(《生存分析联合模型及其在行为评分中的应用》)一文,选取了我国P2P平台的违约数据和美国房地美的房贷违约数据进行实证,将生存分析联合模型首次应用到信用风险评估领域,以充分挖掘并利用互联网金融大数据的优势。该项目获得了教育部人文社会科学青年基金的资助。




Survival analysis has become an appealing approach in credit scoring. It is able to readily incorporate time-dependent covariates and dynamically predict the survival probability. However, the difference between endogenous and exogenous covariates is ignored in the existing extended Cox models in behavioural scoring. In this paper, we apply joint modelling framework, which can be seen as an extension of survival analysis, to overcome such deficiency of survival models. We carefully design experiments on two datasets and verify the superiority of joint modelling over the extend Cox model through cross validation on dynamic discrimination and calibration performance measures. The experimental results indicate that the joint model performance is better, especially in the calibration measure. The key reason for the better performance is discussed and illustrated.

